Learn Ukrainian :: Lesson 124 The things I like and don't like
Matching game
Teach yourself Ukrainian
Whether you're chatting with friends or on a first date, confidently sharing your likes and dislikes can make your interactions more engaging and can lead to deeper connections. No more hesitations or awkward silences! After mastering this Ukrainian lesson, you'll navigate social situations with ease and grace, always ready to share a piece of yourself. Become the charismatic conversationalist you've always wanted to be!
Do these match?
I like to dance
Я люблю грати на гітарі (ya liubliu hraty na hitari)
Do these match?
I like to fly a kite
Я люблю пускати повітряного змія (ya liubliu puskaty povitrianoho zmiia)
Do these match?
I like to play
Я люблю малювати (ya liubliu maliuvaty)
Do these match?
I don’t like to play chess
Мені подобається грати в шашки (meni podobaietsia hraty v shashky)
Do these match?
I like horses
Я люблю коней (ya liubliu konei)
Do these match?
I like to play checkers
Я люблю писати вірші (ya liubliu pysaty virshi)
Do these match?
I like to collect stamps
Я не люблю малювати (ya ne liubliu maliuvaty)
Do these match?
I don’t like to sing
Я не люблю грати в шахи (ya ne liubliu hraty v shakhy)
Do these match?
I don’t like to knit
Я не люблю в’язати (ya ne liubliu viazaty)
Do these match?
I like to listen to music
Мені подобається фотографувати (meni podobaietsia fotohrafuvaty)
Do these match?
I like to ride a bike
Мені подобається фотографувати (meni podobaietsia fotohrafuvaty)
Do these match?
I don’t like to paint
Я не люблю малювати (ya ne liubliu maliuvaty)
Do these match?
I do not like insects
Я люблю грати на гітарі (ya liubliu hraty na hitari)
Do these match?
I like to play the guitar
Я люблю читати (ya liubliu chytaty)
Do these match?
I like to take pictures
Я люблю/ мені подобається слухати музику (ya liubliu/ meni podobaietsia slukhaty muzyku)
Do these match?
I don’t like to make model airplanes
Мені подобається збирати марки (meni podobaietsia zbyraty marky)
Do these match?
I don’t like mountain climbing
Мені не подобається альпінізм (meni ne podobaietsia alpinizm)
Do these match?
I like to write poems
Я люблю їздити на велосипеді (ya liubliu yizdyty na velosypedi)
Do these match?
I like to draw
Я люблю танцювати (ya liubliu tantsiuvaty)
Do these match?
I like to read
Я люблю грати (ya liubliu hraty)
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The things I like and don't like :: Ukrainian vocabulary
Do you ever find yourself struggling to express your interests or dislikes clearly? Imagine walking into a party or a social gathering where you're asked what you enjoy doing in your free time. Ukrainian Lesson 124 is designed to make sure you never fumble for words again! This Ukrainian lesson will enrich your Ukrainian vocabulary to eloquently state your likes and dislikes, making your conversations more meaningful and personal. You'll feel like the life of the party!
Ukrainian Lesson 124 is a treasure trove of Ukrainian phrases that cover a wide array of hobbies, activities, and personal preferences. The Ukrainian vocabulary list ranges from artistic pursuits like "I like to draw" and "I like to play the guitar," to leisure activities such as "I like to fly a kite" or "I like to ride a bike." It also covers what you don't enjoy doing—maybe you "don’t like to knit" or "do not like insects." Each phrase is meticulously explained to provide you with context, examples, and the underlying nuances. This Ukrainian lesson doesn't just teach you words; it offers you an expressive toolkit to help you communicate your unique personality and preferences. You'll end this Ukrainian lesson with a newfound ability to express yourself more fully in social settings.