Learn Bulgarian :: Lesson 125 The things I need and don't need
Matching game
Teach yourself Bulgarian
From casual conversations with friends to more formal discussions at work, being clear about your needs is essential. Bulgarian Lesson 125 will equip you with the language tools you need to be both clear and polite in different situations. No more misunderstandings or vague answers! With this Bulgarian lesson under your belt, you'll handle any scenario with clarity and confidence, ensuring you both give and get the respect you deserve.
Do these match?
I need to stand in line
Не ми е необходимо да гледам филм (ne mi e neobhodimo da gledam film)
Do these match?
I don’t need to watch the movie
Не е необходимо да депозирам пари в банката (ne e neobhodimo da depoziram pari v bankata)
Do these match?
I don’t need to watch television
Не е нужно да ходя на ресторант (ne e nuzhno da hodja na restorant)
Do these match?
I don’t need to deposit money into the bank
Трябва да го изпратя по пощата (trjabva da go izpratja po poshtata)
Do these match?
I need to send it by mail
Трябва да стоя на линия (trjabva da stoja na linija)
Do these match?
I need to use the computer
Трябва да използвам компютъра (trjabva da izpolzvam kompjut"ra)
Do these match?
I need to go to sleep
Трябва да се прибера у дома (trjabva da se pribera u doma)
Do these match?
I need to go for a walk
Трябва да отида да спя (trjabva da otida da spja)
Do these match?
I need to go back home
Трябва да се прибера у дома (trjabva da se pribera u doma)
Do these match?
I need to cross the street
Не ми е необходимо да гледам филм (ne mi e neobhodimo da gledam film)
Do these match?
I don’t need to go to the restaurant
Не е необходимо да депозирам пари в банката (ne e neobhodimo da depoziram pari v bankata)
Do these match?
I need to spend money
Трябва да похарча пари (trjabva da poharcha pari)
Click yes or no
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The things I need and don't need :: Bulgarian vocabulary
Do you find it challenging to assert your needs or politely decline unnecessary activities? Imagine being able to precisely articulate what you need—or don't need—to do, whether you're a a refugee, an immigrate or just traveling. Bulgarian Lesson 125 is your golden ticket to becoming more assertive and making better use of your time. Mastering these Bulgarian phrases will not only give you control over your to-do list but will also empower you to live life on your terms!
This Bulgarian lesson offers a robust Bulgarian vocabulary set focusing on everyday activities and necessities in a foreign language. You'll learn how to express actions you need to undertake, such as "I need to use the computer" or "I need to go to sleep," and also those that you don't, like "I don’t need to watch television" or "I don’t need to deposit money into the bank." Each phrase is explained in depth to ensure you understand not just the words, but the context and appropriate situations for their use. You'll learn how these Bulgarian phrases can significantly impact your interactions, helping you to be more straightforward and transparent. After this Bulgarian lesson, you'll find it much easier to navigate the often tricky waters of personal and professional obligations.